Rocks Uncut
How to care for your jewellery
Each piece from RocksUncut has been crafted to the highest quality bronze and is gold plated. That means every time the items may lose their shine. However, as the base metal is bronze, you will still get that antique feel of the piece. Our jewellery is nickel-free and perfect for everyday wear. The following steps show you how to care for your jewellery and rock crystals
Wipe after every wear
Wipe down jewellery after every wear. Use either a cotton ball of a lint-free cloth to remove excess oil it collects from everyday use. Store your out of direct sunlight and in a cool dry place ideally the jewellery box or pouch. Giving your jewellery a quick polish after wearing it to ensure any chemicals and moisture are removed will ensure your jewellery stays in good condition
When wearing
Precious metals can be affected by chemicals such as perfumes, body lotions and sun creams. Putting on your jewellery once you have finished dressing will minimise the effects of these chemicals.
Restore shine with a jewellery cloth
If your jewellery is starting to look a bit dull, restore its shine by simply rubbing the surface with a soft jewellery cloth. Gently polish it with a microfibre polishing cloth or a specialist gold polishing cloth. If you notice that a simple wipe down or polish doesn’t get rid of the dirt, then it’s time to really clean it. The first step? Make a water-soap solution using lukewarm water and a gentle soap with a soft brush and gentle scrubbing if necessary (Note: Stay away from harsh jewellery cleaners or antibacterial soap). Wipe dry afterwards.
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Vestibulum risus lectus, ultricies at neque at, sollicitudin dictum est. Praesent iaculis sapien felis, ut placerat justo interdum vitae. Duis auctor et elit eget tincidunt. Maecenas elementum efficitur nibh ac varius. Nulla orci turpis, finibus sit amet ante id, dignissim egestas nulla. Phasellus at eros quis neque luctus porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Curabitur condimentum arcu leo, eget interdum arcu blandit ac. Curabitur blandit maximus metus, nec pellentesque magna euismod in. Mauris mattis placerat metus ut placerat. Ut at auctor erat, vitae lobortis felis. Praesent a est dolor. Maecenas aliquet eros mauris, a faucibus velit posuere eget. Quisque orci lacus, accumsan pretium ultricies eget, posuere et elit. Nullam tempor justo tempor vestibulum gravida. Mauris in erat elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut ultricies erat quis justo ultrices, nec tincidunt est consectetur. Donec vehicula ex sit amet augue rutrum blandit. Sed sit amet nisl blandit, euismod libero eget, imperdiet risus. Ut eget eros at leo consectetur varius eget eu libero. Vestibulum in felis ut magna blandit imperdiet eu in lacus.